Friday, March 2, 2012

Survivor 1 World - Men are from Mars...clearly

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This weeks Survivor proved a big turning point for the guy's tribe. We learned 2 major things this episode.

  1. Guys are idiots.  They dont know how to use that little part of the brain that solves puzzles. Its no mystery that men can't remember shit. I still need to go back and see what i wrote in my blogs 10 minutes later because i forgot. So we can already assume that the men were gonna lose the memory challenge. But puzzles... come on.. you had like a 15 minute head start!
  2. Guys are smart.  I know i comletely contradicted myself but voting off Matt is one of the smartest moves that the men could have made. And it was designed by the lovely half man-half amazing Colton. 

If I learned anything so far this season is that there will NOT be any guy-girl action taking place...boooo.  There is nothing sexier than stink ass breathe and unwashed genitalias after 30 days..mmm mmm mmm  These 2 tribes hate each other.

Colton really does have the best advantage.  Not because he is gay but because the girls know he is gay and know that they can talk to him.  I know that makes no sense as Jeff clearly calls Colton out on this when he calls himself a Queen but so far i believe it is working for him. Everyone knowing he is gay plays a HUGE advantage to him because of the gay man stereotype of being able to get along with girls better than men.  His revealing he has the idol for me was clearly the biggest mistake he could have made.  That is until one of his alliance members said that they need to keep Colton because he is their key to get with the women when they merge.. Genius.  Quite possibly the GREATEST play in Survivor history would be for him in his confession to talk in a very deep manly voice and say that he is not at all gay but pretending so he can win the game.. WOWWW..  Johnny Fairplay and Evil Russell aint got shit on that!

Some things..

  • The girls shelter was ruined by a heavy rain storm. The girls try to get all up on the guys asking if they can use their fire to keep dry.  This causes an issue with of course Matt... more on him later.  I am 50/50 on this.  The guys are trying to win the game.. but how can you say no to girls. 
The girls can only pray to the Sun Gods and the Beatles

  • Kat and Troyzan or Tarzan .. one of them .. both had blonde moments in the memory test.  Kat may be the dumbest person on the show. Please, oh please, keep her on longer for some entertainment. 
  • Guys get pissed because they think it is fair that the women give them the canoe, that the women fairly won in the puzzle challenge, in exchange for the flint that was given to the women some days back. This argument makes no sense. I cant believe i am saying it but i think i am totally Team Girl this season. 
  • Lief, the little guy, is holding the immunity idol just before the challenge. I swear that thing was bigger than him. Still no little person jokes on this show. WTF!

  • Colton's alliance may be the WORST conspicuous tribe to ever play this game.  They stand out in the open and strategize. Then when Jay "the model" comes walking over to ask what they are talking about he says he wants in and just like that he is now part of the Cool Club.  Matt walks over and i swear they were going to let him in too. I thought by the end of the show the entire tribe would be in this alliance. 
  • Matt -  In 1 swift move the men managed to turn their backs on, who i thought at the start of this game, the biggest alpha male and competitor in this competition.  He clearly has the alpha role and loves to call the shots. Colton originally wanted Bill the comedian but his alliance members swayed him into voting Matt.. Great move.  Matt is the kind of person who totally wet the bed until he was 17 and as a result has to prove he is macho and bully people around.  He is a total Dickhead and was probably breastfeeding until he was 9.  I was very happy with this vote.  As Jim Carry says in Liar Liar "See you later.. DICKHEAD"
I found some early pics of Matt prior to the show:

Matt as a toddler

My future son?

Matt dressed as a girl getting breast fed

  • Bill the comedian loves life and saying dude and bro. I totally feel the love Bra
  • I believe a step stool is required for Leif to reach the table to write his vote.
  • Colton is trying to "turn" all of America. It is somehow working a little bit. 

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