Friday, April 20, 2012

American Idol Week 7 Results - Where were you when it happened?

Where were you when it happened?

It was like finding out that Bruce Willis is, in fact, dead at the end of The Sixth Sense, or finding out that Normans Bate's mother is a corpse and Norman is a loony, or finding out that Locke from Lost is in a wheelchair off the island, or finding out that Santa Claus is not real, or when the world found out that Milli Vanilli doesn't sing their own songs.  All these "where were you" moments all have one thing in common; SHOCK!

Last night America decided it was time for hearthrob Colton Dixon to say goodbye.  Yes..Colton.   Not payfect Hollie, or old-as-wood Elise, but Colton. 

His pitch-perfect, emo style, melodies that he belted out week after week will be missed.  Most importantly, his distinct "Colt-Hawk" will forever be in our hearts and minds as we are now forced to watch the "remains" of the show.  Great.  Cant wait to see Phil break more blood vessels in his eyes and forehead or Elise angry-scream another song or Hollie raise the dead with her pitchy renditions.  sighhhhh.  Go Josh and Jessica!!

Why Colton?
Was it his cocky "I dont really care what they say" answer to the judges the night before when asked about how he felt about their critiques?  Was it his "Emo-Swag" that the world was just not ready for.. or completely tired of?  Was it the flying cape that he wore the night before that persuaded the audience that he should be let go to stop crime instead of singing songs? Was it is incestual relationship with his sister that is very close to exposing?  Was it is unmanly crying each week?

Regardless, he will go on to make many records.  Let's just hope that the Idol gods dont have it their way or he will be the next Daughtry.. no offense Daughtry fans but he SUCKSSSSSS since he left the show.. just saying.  

a sad sad.. Bart out 

Ps... Rosie picked him to win it.. na na nana na.. GO JESSICA!!!! 

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