Who is more fit to raise a kid.. the ghosts or these bitches |
Are ghosts fit to raise babies? This was the granddaddy (pun intended) question on this weeks American Horror Story. In one of the most bizarre episodes yet i am not even sure where to begin. This episode was filled with fighting ghosts, ghost teenage breakups, monster ghosts trying to kill and of course an extremely bloody birth of the "devil" baby. In what should have been the biggest reveal/moment when Vivien dies its actually what proceeds during the interaction between mother and daughter that its most fitting. Im not sure if it was the simplicity of the scene after just witnessing crazy ghosts performing child birth or the what-should-be moment that Viv and Violet never had but it was beautiful. Viv's death was coming.. i called this weeks ago. But of course i didnt even have an inkling that Violet was dead.. im embarssed by that one. The simple transfer of words "I'm sorry you lost your baby" with the motherly reply "I didnt lose my baby" shows that the show as whacky as it is still has phenomenal touching moments like these.
Where to begin.. shit i dont even know..
In a nutshell, crazy Tate as a child has a run-in with the monster baby ghost.. this fucking thing was SCARY. Shit.. i am never buying a house with an unfinished basement. Little Tate was ADORABLE and so scared when he was almost eaten alive by monster ghost which we can assume is the racoon baby of Jeckyl and Hyde. Immediately Nora comes to the rescue and ensures Tate that he is safe. Tate wishes that she was his mother clarifying once and for all that Constance is the worst mother on the planet being that he wants a ghost as a mother.
When a ghost monster wants to play with your toy truck YOU LET IT!! |
Any word on Viv? |
Flashforward, Violet is forced by her father to get her mom from the hospital and get the hell out of the house and goto Florida. Violet kicks and screams and for once i am actually beginning to feel for this character. In a strange way i think i actually like her now. Much more depth and emotion has been given to this character that the actress almost makes it believable. After Ben gets her in teh car and takes off Violet suddenly appears staring at the car in her bedroom window. Weirdarama. Ben is that much of an idiot to not notice his daughter in teh backseat anymore. What the??!
Even this guy would have been able to tell that Violet mysteriously vanished from the car. |
Ben gets Viv out of the hospital after being warned that she is due to have these babies any minute. One baby is taken away the nutrients from the other baby and that they are ready to be born.. well the one at least. She ignores this of course and heads out. Why they decide to go home is beyond me... Oh thats right they had to pick up their dead stubborn daughter who cant leave the house..dangit!!
Devil baby?? |
I have Exorciisssed the demons |
Meanwhile back at the murder house, Constance calls up her medium girl Billy Dean (who's not my lover.. sorry couldnt help myself) after finding out from Violet that the gay couple want the baby along with all the other ghosts that ever stepped foot in this house. Constance wants the baby for herself and asks Billy Dean how to get rid of these ghosts. In a strange flashback from like 1500 we hear a story about a tribe killing ghosts and reciting the word Croatoan and they will go away or some shit. This chick Billy Dean is no joke when she feels crazy presences from the house and explains that the hosue is a magnet for EE-VILL and will only get stronger with each death. Tate walks in and she freaks out.. apparently Tate is the devil? not sure yet. This entire scene reminded me of the classic movie Poltereist when the family hires good ol Tangina to come in and shake shit up. Tangina's story was also very similar except in this story the family didnt have a member trapped in the television.. i know i know she really wasnt in the television.. we were only able to hear her via electronic voice phenomenon but try explaining that to a 6 year old!! After Billy Dean's instructions Tate and Violet try to Croatoan the gay couple with no avail. Chad was soooo on to them.
What happens next is just a very bizarre 10 minutes. Viv immediately goes into labor upon entering the house just as Violet is telling her father she is dead. Ben of course.. as any father would do completely ignores his daughter saying she is dead and goes to help Viv. Its not everyday your daughter tells you she is dead. In a very chilling, insane scene we see all the medically inclined ghosts gathered around Viv in the living room including Constance assisting Viv with childbirth. Lots of shit goes down here.. like for one Ben is accepting the fact that their are ghosts assisting with his child's labor. Perhaps as a result he is either seeing things as they are or not. I am not sure about this because in a few quick shots we see Ben look over and see and hear himself crying in a corner. Then he looks back to Viv. We see flashbacks of her with Viv during the birth of his daughter Violet and then we see crazy Ben in a corner crying on the floor again. Lots to take in here and not really sure what is real and what isnt. I do know that Viv gives birth to a still born.. i am assuming that this is Ben's baby. Immediately it is given to Nora who looks like she just won the lottery. And the second baby which is alive and growling..not really but im assuming he will very soon is handed over to Constance who claims she will clean up the baby and be right back. The ghost doctor tries to save Viv as she is bleeding very badly but cannot. She dies. At least we assume she did. And just like that everybody in the room is gone. The candles are out. Everything around Ben is gone except him and his dead wife.
Upstairs Violet confronts Tate about some rumors that some ghosts been spreading about him raping her mom.. essentially killing her. Violet tells Tate to "Go Away" and just like that he is gone.. that was easy. A few eps back we learned that Violet can basically tell a ghost to go away and they will. I wish i can do this whlie writing this blog.. dam co-workers..
Immediately after the "breakup", Violet's mother Viv appears behind her. In a very moving exchange between mother and daughter we learn that this family was completely broken and dead in the real life but in the after life are finally a united family.
A few things...
Now that Viv and Violet are dead we can only assume that Ben is next. There really cant be a second season with Ben and his dead family in this house. My assumption would be that Ben kills himself and then is happily united with his family. Like the bond that hte mother and daughter shared during their exchange i would imagine the same would go for Ben now. Then next season the show would focus on a new family with the Harmon's being a part of the house like the other ghosts.
I know i am obsessed with this.. but where the fuck is this dog!!! Can the writing be THIS bad!!!!?? |
Billy Dean may see dead people but she sure as hell cant tell an interesting story..nor a trusting one. That bitch put me to sleep with that boring ass story and then to top it off it didnt even work. Its like she made it up or something. There has to be a reason of why 10 minutes of the show was wasted on the setup for them to remove the gay couple from the house. Perhaps the writers are homophobes..haha.. no but seriously why that word Croatoan. Does it really have any meaning? Are we going to see a flashback next season that Violet destroyed the universe by saying that word when all she had to was say "Go Away"!
Apparently that boring story was true.. no wonder why it was boring. |
Old questions unanswered.. Why is Moira old but when she was killed she was young? You dont age in the house. And also .. was that monster that attacked young Tate the baby of the crazy dr and his wife. If so, why was the baby a grown up monster?
It seems everybody in this house wants a baby.. just good old writing to follow this season's storyline? or a possible need for the house to have a new born life born into it. This devil child was born in the house. Not outside it. i am sure this is very relevant to the storyline.
Whats Ben to do... his dead wife is on his living room floor. If he calls the cops they are going to ask a ton of questions.. How do you explain that the medical team that assisted with the birth were ghosts of the house. They took a quick scare break and will be back in a few hours. No worries. In the meantime, my wife is dead and my children are missing. Please find them. Ben is FUCKED.
Will we be seeing Ben in front of a jury soon?? |
Will next family be the devil baby and his family? How are they going to pull this off??? Please dont fake us out and be like no the family really didnt die.. Ben was imagining it hte entire time in a mental institute. boooooo
Cant wait for the finale next week!!!! peace