Thursday, February 23, 2012

An American Horror Story 1.6 - Piggy Piggy

 Daddy i sleep with dead people.
So i am a little late on this for whoever is reading this. I was on vacation from the tv for a few days indulging in Key West sun rays and food.  mmmmm..  This post is maybe irrelevant as i am already an episode behind but oh well..

Just a few things..

ahhh.. in another life this could have been Violet and Tate
Instead Violet has to live like this
Tate is one bad ass mofo who clearly had psychological issues.  The mother states that it was the house that caused this.  Who are we to judge.  Violet, on the other hand, HAS phschological issues as she is now in love with a dead dude spooning him at the end of the episode.  Is this the house doing this?  Also.. i was right on the date, 1994, when the killings took place.  i rule.  Violet finally is believable in her acting as she goes on an emotional high from finding out her boyfriend is the ghost of a Columbine style killing and then trying to kill herself.  For once i understood her character and actually believed it. I mean its not like she just found out that her boyfriend cheated on her.  Instead she found out that her boyfriend has been dead for 17 years and killed a dozen students just prior. Thats pretty heavy and a lot to take in.. sheesh 

And I was soooo right about the love interest with Viv and the security dude.  She clearly wants to see if the ol once-you-go-black-you-never-go-back is just white suburb talk or fo real.  I am wondering if the house will allow this affair to happen.. or also will it finally allow a black man to last longer than the beginning credits of a horror movie/tv show!!
Hopefully Mr Security guy can beat the odds!

The breakfast club analogy i made was dead on. I mean, shit, they were even murdered in a library!! Couple things to note here.  The teacher who stood in front of the doorway to block Tate from coming in only to get shot should not be called a hero but an idiot!!  I get it.. he was trying to do the right thing. But why not stand on the side of the door and then hit him in the head with the monstrous 'War and Peace' when he walks in teh room. It doesnt get more ironic that that!  And the winner of idiocy goes to the jock who after hiding under a table which by the way Tate would totally be able to see comes out to sneak behind Tate and say "hey man Enough is Enough".  Umm.. why not bash him in the back of the head. I mean you gotta better chance of survival.  Was he expecting Tate to turn to him and say "your right man", start sobbing, throw down his weapon and lay down on his stomach with his hands behind his back surrendering!!??  This beginning sequence of events and when we find out that the killer is Tate was in no way earth shattering like when we found out that Bruce Willis is a ghost. I mean we knew it was Tate.. but i thought it was well done and brought chills down my spine because this CAN happen unlike the rest of the show.  I like how the SWAT team comes to arrest Tate. Instead of breaking down the door or just walking in like EVERYBODY seems to do in this house, they ring the doorbell and wait for Constance to open it..

The medium that Violet meets is an interesting way to reveal some shit about Violet and her past.  Nicely done. Its also interesting to see where we go with Constance and her dead daughter Addie.
Violet.. i can see that you have been sleeping with a dead guy and that your dad may have slept with him also

Eat up Viv!
Either Viv is a complete nutjob or she really has a thing for raw brains.. i am not sure.  But who in their right mind would eat raw brains.  Viv would thats who.  This bitch eats anything that Constance throws in front of her.  My joke would be "i bet she would eat raw brains if Constance brought it over to her".  Well she did!!! So much for that joke! I can only pray that i dont come home and see my wife eating brains or raw organs in my near future. 

Ben's character was useless in this episode which is fine by me because he also doesnt do much to the show. In my opinion, Viv, Cosntance and the ghosts make the show.. including the house of course.  But the one thing that Ben did right was to kill another one of his patients. So far this guy is like 4 for 4!  Wait to knock it out of the park Ben.  We get a nice cameo from Cam (no pun intended)  from Modern Family who takes on a much darker role than his usual flamboyant homsexual teddy Bear character.  Ben tells CAm (cause i dont remember his name) to face his fears and do the piggy piggy dance in front of the mirror 3 times.  Apparently using the Bloody Mary folklore is copyrighted so they had to adjust.  Cam listens to Ben and finally faces his fears only to ironically get murdered after chanting piggy 3 times by a burgular who just so happened to be hiding in his shower... poor guy.  Nice job Ben.

I will be watching the new episode tonight.. hopefully i got more tomorrow.
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